The upcoming League of Legends Winterblessed seasonal event Battle Pass has been data mined and several of the typical rewards are being removed and replaced. SkinSpotlights, a famous League of Legends data miner, has revealed that the usual Grab Bag and 625 Orange Essence tiers of the Battle Pass are being replaced with a Banner and an enhanced version of the said Banner, respectively.

This is very disappointing, considering the League of Legends Battle Pass already has a reputation for not being the most generous out there. With less than a week until the Winterblessed season starts, it is unlikely that Riot will make any changes to the Battle Pass. However, the community uproar may be enough to stop this from happening again in future Battle Passes.
League of Legends has certainly taken a strange turn with regard to its monetization in recent times. What was once a game praised for its cheap cosmetics and easy access to skins is now a game that releases $200 chromas and nerfs its Battle Pass.
Hopefully, the team at Riot Games can pay attention to the grievances voiced by the community and rectify things for the sake of the game we all love.