The latest batch of State of Survival redeem codes has been released. Make sure to grab them before they expire and get your free rewards!
Everyone loves good old zombie apocalypses, and State of Survival is a perfect mobile game for those players who want to experience the excitement of trying to survive against a horde of zombies in cooperation with other players.
Tens of millions of players around the world are already playing State of Survival, rebuilding society, and researching new technologies while trying to rescue as many survivors as they can.
But rebuilding a fallen civilization from the ashes of the post-apocalypse is a daunting task, which requires a lot of time and energy, especially when it comes in a form of a free-to-play mobile game with myriads of microtransactions.
Thankfully, we got a few Gift Codes for State of Survival that you can redeem and earn a couple of free rewards, including Biocaps, speedups, and various resources.
1 September 2023 Update - We've checked for the latest 'State of Survival Codes'. All the most recent and active codes can be found just below.
Table of Contents
All State of Survival Codes & Gifts
Below you will find a list of all currently working State of Survival Gift codes, redeem them, and unlock free rewards.
- survival777
- getlucky
- sosxggj
- sosXamazon
- SaveTheAmazon
- DalmaZerosAll
- PCVersionXApr
- Doomsdayqualifiers
- FollowIGSoSEN
- FollowiGGlobal
- sos5off
- Behemothsos1
- happynewyearkr2023s
- break1
- wegothedistance
- 2023START
- loveChareyna
- 1028GLHF
- kuchentvsos - Biocaps + RSS (Rewards available only for new players)
- SOSNiko (Rewards available only for new players)
- darylsos (Rewards available only for new players)
- sos1234 (Rewards available only for new players)

All Expired State of Survival Codes
Below is a list of State of Survival codes that have now expired. Somewhat surprisingly, some players actually Google ‘How do I use expired State of Survival codes?’ but sorry, once they've expired, they can no longer be used.
For the sake of prosperity, below is the list of all expired State of Survival codes that are no longer available for redemption.
- MerrySOS
- ProjectDominion1205
- reservoirleague1119
- sosholidaykms
- merrychristmassos
- Holidayfun
- lovekira
- Devsos1
- Devsos
- Happy2023Survivors
- Behemoth1023
- ThanksAllSurvivors
- AnniversaryFest1004
- thefriendstories
- AnniversarySoS
- SE4637B3AE1B
- tukimi909
- HappyAnniversary
- MMsos4
- Anniversary2days
- 3days
- bannka831
- assignmentsos8
- Maddiefrank2022
- zenyasai
- SoSSummerFun
- ForeverTrident
- SOS8888
- 3wm1047
- sosdevfeedback777
- 5JyoTaisaMtaineer
- 3YearsSoS
- Happy3Years
- AnniversaryEvent
- StoneGarden14
- Happyweekend0724
- MakeUpOnesMind25
- devfeedback0718
- AdhaMubarak2022
- Sence712
- ZdangoBR5okI
- UenoZooBackOwahu
- shavedIce75
- thankyouallsurvivors
- Congratschampions
- Congratschampions202
- JP7000fowithu
- FunPlusSOS2022
- Happy1000State
- meetsurvivorlillith
- SavechildrenSOS
- 30mayholidays
- TheAdvancedGuard
- TheRemnants
- Letsdancesos
- Sosqaformay
- PetDay
- AKB48
- 202205withyou
- ilovesos1
- sos202205withyou
- SoSEarthDay22
- eastereggs
- holidayapril30s
- 331next
- 329duck
- Spring322
- flyhighmeriamxirhaa
- 324Drives
- hinamatsuri0303
- treasure2022
- lucky2022
- Nanami2022
- anzu0301
- NyanNyanNyan222
- happy23rd
- 224MoonLightMask
- loveVSzombie
- Kobeko1207
- sos119 - 500 Biocaps, 2 Epic Search Map, 1 Hero Fragment, 1x 10K Supply Crate, 20x 5m Construction Speedup
- FrameHQskins - 200 Biocaps, 100x 1k Food, 100x 1k Wood, 4x 5M Speedup
- CherokeeRose - 300 Biocaps, 2 Advanced Search Map, 50x 1k Food, 50x 1k Wood, 5x 5M Speedup
- LongLiveDaryl - 200 Biocaps, 1 Advanced Search Map, 1000x 1k Food, 1000x 1k Wood
- Welcome2021 - 300 Biocaps, 1 Advanced Search Map, 1000x 1k Food, 1000x 1k Wood
- AngelWhisper217
- 215haruNo1
- ZombieRomance
- 28tori
- 210ri
- TigerFahad
- mendy0125
- springfestivaltiger
- Antarctic1214
- kujira1209
- Snowfalling
- Japancoastguard118
- Nanamistatue
- SaturdayPLASMA
- 317UMA
- 315pass
- ishidasyacho
- Soslovecode
- saikou0315
- sunday0317
- jpsos14daspecial
- 20ShouGatu
- Keaoisjd6666
- 2022hapy0102
- Peace0113
- J0ke1nthebox
- 22dogfrank019
- S0076EA48ED2
- luck777good666
- happy2022ny
- ToRRLChampions2021
- OtsuKaresama1228
- happynewyear2022ss
- comingsoon2022s
- happychristmas2021s
- bestxmasgift
- Merikuri2022
- Xmaswish4u
- TokyoTower1223
- Xword1221
- Phx369Thechampions
- Bietheskaxsos
- Tell1216
- Jpnspace1202
- December1st
- Mirin1130
- Thanksgiving2021
- Feelgoodtue
- sosthanksar
- Edinstvo2021
- Lambowinner999
- Wecanallbewinners
- roughdaySOS2021
- Trickortreat2021
- gtvmediasos
- halloween
- MondayCode2021
- Mexicanaster
- Halloweek2021
- survivaldaily
- Happy365days
- mapleleaves
- Hangulnal
- 100mxbithday
- gaecheonjeol
- Roberto
- Alan6666
- phongsos
- simmysos
- Savi
- Kzee
- 2ndMemorialBook2021
- Happy2AnniversarySOS
- AirshipGuardian
- SOS100Mdownloads
- sos999
- 2s2o2sanni
- AnniversaryBoss
- 5daystoairshipdesign
- doomsday
- NewheroBecca
- livestream
- Catzilla
- sos6666
- SFA773217A67
- S13A9A1D3804
- SD406B202C12
How To Redeem State of Survival Codes & Gifts
You can redeem working State of Survival Gift Codes in-game by following the instructions below:
- Open the game
- Select your profile (the top left corner)
- Select the "Settings" option (at the bottom of the menu)
- Enter there and tap on the Gift Redemption option
- Enter your code and click redeem

If the SOS redeem code is working, the rewards are now yours to use! Have fun playing the game, and check this article again, as we will update it regularly with all the latest State of Survival redemption codes available.