![How To Get To Roof In Highrise In MW3](https://www.ginx.tv/respawn-cdn/L4OA1gg5jPE0saPPaVCCXQXHgZPNWBHLrVM8ckjWkQQ/fill/675/380/no/1/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2lueC50di91cGxvYWRzMy9NVzMvTW9kZXJuLVdhcmZhcmUtMy1NVzMtSGlnaHJpc2UtQWxsLTE5LXdlYXBvbnMtYW5kLWl0ZW1zLWxvY2F0aW9ucy1mZWF0dXJlZC1pbWFnZS5qcGc.webp)
How To Get To Roof In Highrise In MW3
Come and find out how to get to the roof of the MW3 Campaign Highrise Mission!
November 30, 2023, 16:33
Will is a freelancer who formerly wrote for Jaxon where he completed a series of CSGO skin guides, Escape from Tarkov updates, and Modern Warfare stories—additionally, joining forces with DualShockers to share expertise on the much-beloved franchise, Wolfenstein. Following behind Will is his degree in Esports, obtained at the University of Chichester, the degree acts as a foundation for his articles and his love for games. If not battling PMCs in the Streets of Tarkov and farming clips for his YouTube channel, Will is inspecting upcoming Counter-Strike skins and plotting potential purchases to fuel his inventory.
309 articles published since April 25, 2023